
a BLOOMING BUSINESS / Where do flowers come from?

a BLOOMING BUSINESS - documentary film trailer 2010
Our another side of the world.
Beautifulness and goods through the global business sometimes have the conflicts people must face.
We`ve already known that after 3.11 ?

Roots ~ Where do flowers come from?

same thigs to our body after TPP ?
The superficial part of the world make them easily to feel happiness in egoistic sense like animal.
People believe the things they want to believe that`s so rhetoric, journalistic, and pitiful.
This is our World...same thing occurs everywhere, while we don't know anything about what we are doing.
We may harm others too much. What is this economic world? crazy? or evil?

Das ist unsere Welt...Die Gleiche passiert immer wieder, während wir kein darauf achten, wissen...wir wissen nicht was wir gerade tun.
Vielleicht verletzten oder töten wir jemanden jeden tag?
Was ist diese Wirtschaft? total verrückt...oder ziemlich böse...

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